Sushi Bowls

This is an “anything goes” situation, almost completely dependant on what we’ve got to work with. For me, the non negotiable bits are: Avo, seaweed, mayo, soy sauce. If we’re out of any of those things then I don’t want in.


Cooked rice (cold)


Vegan Mayo (Helman’s is my fave)

Light soy sauce

Sushi seasoning (but actually I just use apple cider vinegar sometimes)

Sheets of seaweed, torn up into strips


Assorted bits and pieces, including but not limited to: Cucumber, red cabbage, red onion, kraut, carrot, sesame seeds, fried shallots, capsicum, mushroom


Add a good dollop of mayo, sushi seasoning and soy sauce to the rice and mix it in. I literally just do this to taste, and it’s not always the same. Some days I want more mayo or less soy sauce etc. Just pop them in a little bit at a time til you get a taste you like.

That’s it actually. The rest is just chopped up and thrown in. The rice should be saucy and flavoursome enough to not need any more wet ingredients, but if you want to drizzle a little more soy sauce at the end, go for gold. I feel the most important thing is colour, so just add pink things (radish or red cabbage etc) and you can’t go wrong I say.