I’m Lucy. I have a penchant for skinny dips and short, barefoot walks that turn into accidental hikes. My favourite kind of adventure is the “follow your nose” kind.

“The secret o’ life is enjoying the passage of time”

— James Taylor

I’ve worked hard on building a life in the spirit of this sentiment. Time is too precious not to take seriously, and I’m seriously committed to enjoying it.

Our version of this at the moment, is travelling Australia for a year with my partner Andy and our baby girl Teddy. We love living in “Maude” - our self built camper van and we’re so stoked about actually getting to live this life we’ve dreamt up.

I hope very much, to encourage anyone with an itch for adventure to chase it down.

This Space

This is a place to log my memories, tinker with creativity and connect with people whose happy place is a little outside the lines.

I share tips and lessons we’ve picked up on our travels, favourite vanlife recipes and roughly a billion photos. I’d love so much for this to be an interactive place, so please do get in touch if you have any questions, words of wisdom or just want to say hey.